Experience the bliss of transcendental songs on Shesh Tattva, composed and sung by Gurudas
Shesh Tattva represents the culmination of all sadhana or yoga. Here the Sadhak attains the ultimate goal of life based on his sadhana and guru kripa, and finds it very difficult to express his mental condition. However our dear Guruji, Sri Gurudas has kindly done this difficult task for our greater benefit and expressed this beautiful mind through these beautiful poems. “Antare Baje Go Vinay” is all time classic and I would like to say, this is the legendary song creation of the entire era and combines the goal of yoga and prema in one song. It surpasses all forms of sampradayik bhava and combines tantra, yoga, jnana and prema within it, touching the prema of Radha and Krishna and grace of Guru tattva in it. In the final stage, the naam, naami and the naamdata (name, giver of name and the name personified) becomes one.
The sadhak is amazed to witness the spontaneous flow of Ista Mantra or Hari Naam within him as Ajapa Naam and the naam is being sung inside along with music of various Anahat Naad like Bee Sound, Tabla, Mridanga, Veena, Drums, etc and finally the flute sound of Sri Krishna. That time the emotion of Srimati Radharani spontaneously arises in the sadhaka and he experiences great separation from his beloved Sri Krishna. Here the Kundalini Shakti inside takes the form of Radha and guides the sadhaka to reach the ultimate pinnacle of prema or Nirvikalpa Samadhi in Sahasrara. The song represents the journey of Kundalini from mooladhar to Sahasrara crossing the 6 chakras behind. It also shows how the nature and bhava of the kundalini shakti keeps on changing as she progresses upwards. Overall, tis song is an all time classic. Mounibaba greatly appreciated this song composed by Gurudas and told this is actually the ‘Shesh Tattva’.
Sharing the lyrics here –
অন্তরে বাজে গো বীণায় গুরু ব্রম্য নাম
বিবিধ নিনাদে বাজে অজপা নাম ।।
বাজে ভ্রমর ধ্বনি মৃদঙ্গ মাদল ভেরী
সুললিত কিঙ্কিনি মনো মুগ্ধকারী,
মৃদু মধু সুর তানে আনন্দ উথলে প্রাণে
হৃদি মাঝে ফুটে যেন চিদানন্দ ধাম ।।
এ যেন সেই বাঁশি কদম্বের ডালে বসি
বাজাইত শ্যাম রায় প্রেম ছলনায় ।
বাজে বাঁশি রাধা বলে সকরুণ ছন্দে
অভিসারে চলে রাই মিলন আনন্দে,
বাঁধ ভেঙে ছুটে বান কূল ছেয়ে উজান
অনন্ত বারিধি বক্ষে লভিতে বিরাম ।।
Anatare baje go vinay guru brahma naam
Bibidha ninade baje ajapa naam ||
Baje Bhramar dhvani mridanga madala bheri
Sulalita kinkini mano mughdhakari,
Mrdu madhu sura taane ananda uthale prane
Hridi majhe phute jeno Chidananda dhaam ||
E jeno sei bashi kadambero daale boshi, Bajaito Shyama ray prema chlanaya |
Baje bashi radha bole sakurana chande, Abhisare chole raai Milana anande,
Baadh bhenge chute baan kul cheye ujaan
Ananta bairidhi bakshe labhate biram ||