Glories of Mansuka Dham
Mansuka is a very sacred village situated on the bank of river Damodar, at Howrah, West Bengal. Mounibaba stayed there for long in the Brahma Vidyashram built by his disciples, on the land donated by his disciple Sri Mrityunjoy Manna. He stayed in Mansuka for 12 years. The area of Mansuka has also significance from the past, since many previous Maha sadhak has done tantra sadhana there secretly and enhancing the spiritual vibration of the area. When Mounibaba was staying there, once another very exalted sadhaka came to visit the place, while he was sensing a strong energy as if Mahadev has descended to this place at Mansuka. Mounibaba also asked Gurudas and other disciples to build a Shiv Mandir and establish Sachchidananda Natheshwar Shiva Linga here, which was finally done in 2019. Mounibaba used to do omkar sadhana here along with his disciples on every weekends. Till today, the vibration of pranava is felt there, when one enters the Anandamoy Brahma Vidyashram. Once one devotee failed to come here on a weekend, citing lame reasons. He eventually got the sweet punishment and after realising his mistake, he came to the ashram and bowed down to Mounibaba and asked for forgiveness. Once another devotee was coming with sweets to be offered to Mounibaba and other disciples in the ashram. No one knew about his sudden arrival, but Mounibaba informed his disciples about his arrival with divine senses. When the disciple came to know this from other members, he broke into tears and sang glories of Mounibaba. Once Biswanath Dawn was visiting Dakshineshwar, suddenly he felt someone is whispering some mantra in his ear, and then he immediately fainted. When he later came to Mounibaba at Mansuka and asked for initiation, he was surprised to find the same krishna mantra given to him at Dakshineshwar, and then Mounibaba blessed him smilingly. Overall, this place became a hub of strong spiritual persons starting from Mounibaba to his disciples such as revered yogi Kalipada Das, Biswanath Sen, Mrityunjoy Manna, etc. The disciples used to cross their Anandamoy Kosha (the highest 5th layer covering of the soul) and reach samadhi, when they used to do omkar with Mounibaba. Gurudas and Kushi also visited this place many times, when Mounibaba was present. And once Gurudas stayed there for some time in Mansuka and practised yogic kriya with his gurudev.
Mounibaba helped the local poor villagers a lot. Either he himself or with his devotees, he used to serve these villagers with unconditional love. He also used to visit many houses in the village and ask for food as Bhiksha (begging), to be provided in ahuti. He even compromised to take fish or dry fish in bhiksha, if someone used to do it intentionally irritated by such activity. Jadaguru has no material emotions, hence any such activity even if done with hatred manifests as love. Hence he is also known as “Premer Thakur Mounibaba” or the God of love. Now many of these poor villagers have multi storied buildings. Mounibaba used to say that now these villagers are giving him food as bhiksha in love, they will soon get the special price of it. The activities of Jagadguru is very difficult to understand. People of the village still love Mounibaba with all their heart and always sing his glories as Shivaguru.
Once Mounibaba saved Dhiru, the son of Jivan Krishna Panja from a snake bite. The doctors declared him dead, due to the effect of serious poison in the body. Mounibaba (he was young then) sat on the top of the dead body and started doing omkar. Gradually, his body turned blue and the senses of the boy came back. Mounibaba immediately started doing vomiting with blood due to the effect of poison in his body. He asked his disciples to bring some natural herbs and he got saved from the poison and finally recovered in a week. Hence Nilkanatha Mahadev manifested as Mounibaba and did the pastime of saving of the boy. Similarly on another incident, while staying in Mansuka, he took the cholera of another disciple in his body and himself got sick for many days. Jagadguru is ready to sacrifice his life to protect his disciples.
Jay Guru Mounibaba!
Photos of Mansuka Ashram
Events Celebrated here
Almost all major festivals of the ashram is celebrated here, namely Mounibaba Appearance Day, disappearance day, Manada Sundari Devi’s appearance day, Jhulan Purnima, Dul Purnima, Ras Purnima, Mandir Inauguration Day, Mission Inauguration Day, Janmasthami, MahaShiva Ratra, Christmas Day, etc. Kirtan is organised on such occasions followed by a Brahma Yajna, prasad distribution, children programme, Gita Path, Satsang Katha, etc. Villages from nearby places also visit this place and offer prayers to Sachchidananda Natheshwar Shiva Linga.
Major Humanitarian Activties
Mounibaba also focused on “Humanity as the religion of the age” and stressed upon doing serving the needy as guru seva. He set the leading example of serving the villagers around, along with focusing on the basic education of the children of the village, health treatment, sanitisation, etc. He also stressed upon the upliftment of women in the society, since it leads to the overall upliftment of the society in general.
Hence following his ideals, the true followers of Mounibaba now focus on such activities along with their spiritual development. There is a facility of free coaching in the Mansuka Mission Branch where the children of the poor villagers are taught for free, there is a scope of computer education there with currently two computers in the ashram, there are occasionally free medical camps being organised where villagers are treated for free. For empowering the general mass especially for the protection of women from evil class, ,basic Marshalarts is also taught.
Frequently prasad is also distributed to the locals especially for the children and mostly on special days, followed by donation of clothes, etc. Christmas Day is also observed in the ashram, to unite the people from various sects and establishing humanity there.