Sri Sri Mounibaba – Life of a Saint
This is the biography of Sadguru Sri Sri Mounibaba, authored by Sri Gurudas ji. This book describes the spiritual pursuit of Mounibaba from young Ramesh to Swami Sachchidananda Paramhansa, his divine pastimes, advices and also stories of his devotees.
Get e-book from here : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aHmDdwtWKhBrAXx9-iJtlFN6_lERTZU8/view

Path to Divine Light “Alor Dishari”
he spiritual perfection “Alor Dishari”, composed by Sri Gurudas ji, showers the divine light and knowledge in the life of a spiritual seeker and destroys the ignorance the veil. This book also describes the story of the formation of Sri Sri Anandamoy Mounibaba Mission (SRIAMM), it’s goal and activities.
Get e-book from here : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xP13WxaX3myOeHdVyod_5VgS_L2-0mGp/view

Premer Thakur Mounibaba
This is the Bengali book about the biography of Mounibaba, composed by Sri Gurudas ji. It speaks in details about the life history and glories of Mounibaba and his wonderful pastimes with his devotees. This book also shed light on the advices of Mounibaba.
Get e-book from here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rj2YPjD-lYfX1culpsXzg_zDPIFgw8gg/view

Sri Sri Mounibabar Upasana – Madhur Sangeet
This small book contains selected songs/bhajans of Gurudas’s epic collection of Madhur Sangeet. Various genres of compositions like Mounibaba Songs, Guru Tattva Songs, Yugal Bhajan, Shiv tattva songs, Shakti tattva songs, darshanik (philosohpical) songs, yoga or shesh tattva songs, Ram Bhajan, Hanuman Bhajan, etc.
Get ebook from here:

Mouni Bhagavat
This classic is composed by Sri Gurudasji, written in a poetic way to describe the glories of Mounibaba, the glories of his devotees, his divine tales, essence of Sanatan Dharma and Sadhana.
Get e-book_: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xZTU7p0xhmBFo4LFoqZXrn9_HWMkrSIf/view?usp=drive_link
Price: Rs.200

My Life
Embark on an extraordinary spiritual journey with “My Life”, the captivating autobiography of a revered spiritual master. In this intimate narrative, Sri Gurudasji shares the transformative experiences and profound insights gained on the path to enlightenment. From humble beginnings to profound spiritual awakening, this book is a testament to the power of truth and love, inviting readers to explore the depths of their own souls and discover the universal quest for meaning. “My Life” is not just a memoir; it’s a beacon of inspiration for all who seek to navigate the complexities of existence with grace and wisdom.
Price: Rs. 200/ 11.9 USD
Get from: Amazon or Notion Press

Amar Kotha
Discover the Essence of Spiritual Awakening: A Profound Exploration of the Life, Teachings, and Divine Mission of Gurudasji, Illuminated with Stories of Ideal Women, Guru’s Wisdom, and Sacred Mission
Get e-book: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oLUKkrjw3_LPV-CBozfJBpAovAwiWgEe/view?usp=drive_link

Ranibari Dham – An eternal abode of Guru Jagannath
This book describes the glories of Ranibari Dham and the spiritual significance in it’s original transcendental position, pastimes of Mounibaba in Ranibari and his advices.
Get e-book from here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oBH_z1iuxw8_nCjntwVzHpiembwSR0K-/view
Other important Books
Sri Sri Mounibaba suggested us to read more different books. You can buy these from market
1. Yoga Texts: Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Shiv Samhita, Yoga Shastra (combination of various scriptures like Gherand Samhita, Patanjal Darshan, Vashistha Yoga), Yogi Guru and Jnani Guru of Swami Nigamananda Saraswati
2. Yugal Bhajan Texts: Hari Sadhak Kanthahar of Narottam Das Thakur which combines
3. Upanishad: Iso-Kena-Katha, these three upanishads should be read
4. Classic texts: Bhagavat Gita, Srimad Bhagavat Purana, Chaitanya Charitamrita
5. Guru Gita
6. Other books like Shiv Gita, etc.