Sri Sri Anandamoy Mounibaba Mission is a religious organization within the shadow of the most liberal and oldest religion of the world known as “Sanatan Dharma,” based on truth and justice for all-round development of human life.
The mission came into existence on 1st December 1997, established by Acharya Brahmachari Gurudas (alias Ketaki Ranjan Bhattacharjee), the dedicated disciple of Sri Sri Mounibaba, with the support and cooperation of disciple brothers and sisters and devotees of the villages – Ranibari and Brahmanshasan in the district of Karimganj (Assam), as desired by the spiritual master Sri Sri Mounibaba.
Aim of the Mission
1. The main aim is the welfare and upliftment of the ignorant, poor, and downtrodden people, both religiously and socially.
2. Certain severe defects in our society regarding caste (high and low), untouchability, and refusal of entry inside temples should be removed to safeguard the ideals of our oldest religion, which once influenced the whole world with its best ideals of truth.
3. Chaos, ill-feeling, and friction regarding the real sense of religious principles, due to ignorance and misinterpretation, should be removed with the establishment of humanity as the religion of the age. Once humanity is established in the minds of people, real religious life will begin, and peace will be restored in society according to the ideals of Sri Sri Mounibaba, one of the top-ranking yogis and sadhus of India, who was a real lover of mankind.
4. Greed, corruption, malicious actions, and hatred for others are not only injurious to one’s own life but also to the future generation. All these are the effects of ignorance and disbelief in religious rules, regulations, and spiritual science as well. Efforts may be made to educate people to accept the principles of humanity, leaving aside the conflicts over religious differences, to save the human society gradually approaching towards destruction.
5. So far as welfare is concerned, efforts should be made to help the poor and needy people during natural calamities, to provide moral education, to inspire young groups for self-employment, and eradication of illiteracy, etc.
6. The devoted voluntary workers of the mission must be disciplined, honest, sincere, socially, and spiritually enlightened. The mission aims at selfless service as worship and the true religious ideal of humanity to be established in society.
7. The meaning of religion is also misunderstood. There is one God who is all-powerful. He is the creator and destroyer of all. He is invisible and formless. But he incarnates in different forms when the situation warrants. So, it is no way incorrect to pray to the same God either in a particular form or formless. Spiritual practice or prayer (Bhajan) of formless God is very hard. The easy process of prayer (Bhajan) to any recognized form of God (Avatar) with devotion and love is accepted by the devotees in accordance with the clear instructions in Srimad Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 12, Bhakti Yoga). The main thing is devotion and love for God, who is our sole refuge. As God is not visible and he needs nothing from us except our pure mind, yet he kindly accepts our devotional selfless services to him and his creation with great pleasure.
8. If people are spiritually enlightened, happiness and peace in family life and society will be restored. Peacelessness everywhere is due to dissatisfaction and jealousy because of ignorance of the reality of human life, which is quite temporary for a short span. So, the pride for human life being the supreme creation is futile unless it is engaged in the service of God for one’s own upliftment, permanent peace, and happiness following the path to reach the final goal, the eternal abode. Gradual efforts to educate people with care and love shall have a tremendous effect on the mind to choose the correct path achieving humanity.
9. India is the holiest land in the globe where the Vedas emerged from the Supreme God (Param Brahman). Spiritual practices of the highest standard done by the earlier saints and seers and their great achievements are inspiring, educative, and a guide to mankind for wellbeing with all-round development spiritually as well as materially. A number of religions with different paths and opinions have developed or emerged from the original Sanatan Dharma. It makes no difference as the goal of each religious faith is the same God, the creator. Conflict and misunderstanding are due to ignorance, jealousy, and self-interest. However, people, especially children, should be apprised of the need for moral education based on the Vedas, Ramayana, the Mahabharata, Srimad Bhagavata, and Srimad Bhagavad Gita. Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the cream of all scriptures, and its teaching is universal beyond doubt as it deals with both the material and spiritual worlds, which also fulfills every need of human life. One should feel pride by taking birth in the holy soil of India and sacrifice one’s own life for the cause of the nation.
10. The importance of yoga should also be taught for general health as well as spiritual practices for success in life. The power of yoga is beyond imagination and description. Its result is achieved as much as practiced. So, the yogic world shall remain as a mystery, and its search will continue forever.