Sadguru Sri Sri Mounibaba
Sad-Guru, the spiritual master, our refuge
Whose role to restore humanity notably huge,
As a human being very simple by nature
Appears in society having supreme power.
Followers and devotees faithful to the master
Blessed with elevated life after surrender;
The most blessed a few with close connection
Establish Godliness of Guru with determination.
As no education possible without a teacher
Without proper guidance none can expect spiritual power;
Sad-Guru cultivates Godliness in his disciple
Removing darkness of ignorance as a miracle.
The successful disciple may thus boldly declare
Lord Shiva incarnated as Sachchidananda Nath Yogiswar;
Devotees will accept and others may contradict
Still truth will appear at time no doubt.
Due to strong objection against publicity in lifetime
No reason, however, His greatness and holiness to determine;
Whose love for men, animals and even the trees
Narrated in life story in a number of series.
The Yogiswar was named as Mounibaba at Dakshineswar
As yet remembered by Monks of Mission and admirer;
Blessed by Goddess Kali at the age of seventeen
Hatha-Rajayogiswar bathed with divine love at Sri-Brindaban.
Based on Sri Bhagavad-Gita His teachings quite explicit
Religion if exists now only humanity without conflict;
True love and devotion to realize God or Almighty
Shall only emerge from attainment of humanity.
Mounibaba stressed on discipline and tolerance
Work as worship be done with sincerity and patience,
Have faith on truth and need not be blind
And also mind your duty in welfare of mankind.