Gurudas, the present Acharya

Sadguru Sri Sri Gurudas is the present Acharya and head of “Sri Sri Anandamoy Mounibaba Mission” or SRIAMM. He officially established the Anandamoy Mounibaba Mission on December 1st, 1997, in Ranibari, Assam, alongside many devotees from the surrounding area. He initiates and accepts disciples in the lineage of Sadguru Sri Sri Mounibaba under his guidance. Many individuals, both within the country and abroad, have received initiation from him. He also imparts the intricacies of sadhana, including Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga, to eligible students. Many disciples have found their lives blessed under his divine guidance and have fulfilled the highest desires of their souls. The opportunity of human life itself is considered a blessing, coveted even by the higher celestial beings. Finding the refuge of a Sadguru and engaging in sadhana under his instructions is indeed rare, and such individuals are regarded as blessings for the world, contributing to the upliftment of society. Sadguru Sri Sri Gurudas embodies the principle of “Humanity, as the religion of the age,” following the path laid by his guru, Sadguru Mounibaba.

Short Biography of Gurudas
Early Life
Gurudas is the spiritual name given to Sri Ketaki Ranjan Bhattacharjee by his guru Mounibaba, greatly impressed and satisfied by his Guru Seva. Guru Seva is not an easy task, and even the devas find it hard to perform ideal Guru Seva. Ketaki was born on January 5th, 1935, in Sylhet, undivided India (presently in Bangladesh), to his father Kamini Mohan Bhattacharjee and mother Rajobala Devi. From his early childhood, he was an ardent devotee of their family deity, Sri Laxmi Narayan. He often spent his childhood worshipping Laxmi Narayan, crafting Shiva lingas from mud, and honoring Mother Kali. People, including his family members and neighbors, were amazed by the divine miracles, particularly his healing abilities, when young Ketaki prayed to Laxmi Narayan to solve problems. At the same time, he was very naughty, and many times Mother Bhagavati saved him from deadly dangers. He married Srimati Shefalika Devi on March 7th, 1964, at the request of his mother. He has one son and two daughters, all leading established lives as householders.
Spiritual Life
Many of his childhood stories can be found in his autobiography “My Life” along with other stories of his householder life. Due to his utter humility and reluctance to seek public fame as a spiritual figure, he always avoids discussing himself with common people and follows his guru’s principle of “Pratistha Shukari Bishta” or “Desire for Fame is the like the stool of pigs.”
He was initiated by Mounibaba on 16th September, 1967 at Ranibari at the age of 32 years along with his wife. Though he was initially reluctant to receive the diskha mantra, but he agreed finally after a long discussion with Mounibaba and also as per the request of his mother. The story is really interesting and the entire details could be found in other books like My Life, Biography of Mounibaba, etc. He felt very amazed after initiation and was kind of intoxicated the whole day. He spent few days with his guru and was amazed to witness many incidents like the liberation of the bull, saving from the poisonous snake, etc. Mounibaba also predicted that Gurudas would become a great poet in future and would write many books, songs and poems on God; which eventually came true after a few years. Gurudas composed a thousand of songs during his entire life time and wrote many books including the great biography of Mounibaba, Mouni Bhagavat, Alor Dishari, etc.
Within few years in Imphal, he became a great yogi by the mercy of his Sadguru and finally attained Nirvikalpa Samadhi one day in his house chanting his Krishna Mantra. His body was lifeless for more than 2 hours and people thought he passed away. Though he doesn’t share many things about his life, but he says Mounibaba used to come in his dreams during the Imphal days and teach him many yogic Kriyas. He got Pranayam Siddhi in a single night, when Mounibaba came in his dream, taught some kriyas and opened his Sushumna Nadi. Many stories of him are unknown till yet, since he never opens up. He sometimes used to tell that his body used to levitate in open air, when Pranayam Kriyas used to start on his body. Later on, Mounibaba advised him to do Jalandhar Bandh to stop the uncontrolled jumping and levitation of the body. Little Radha and Krishna also used to come to him during his Imphal Days. Overall, his journey in Imphal was life changing for him. There are many more accounts of Imphal days, found in details in Mouni Kathamrita book. Even though his guru Mounibaba did tantric sadhana in Pancha Mundi Asana, but he denied Gurudas to do any such sadhana, since this is not suitable in the current time. Further he said that if someone is under sadguru, then naturally divine mother awakens in the sadhaka body as Kundalini and keeps on rising by the grace of Sadguru. One who has done tantra sadhana in the previous lives, automatically gets under sadguru and doesn’t have to undergo all such sadhanas.
It’s very interesting to note that Mounibaba asked him to study the books on Yoga 10 years later after his initiation, but during this time, he already attained yogic siddhi by the mercy of his Guru. It’s also very rare to find a yogi perfected in Bindu Siddhi, in the disguise of a house holder. Nothing is impossible for such persons and they are indeed the Maha Yogis, for whom, there are no Karmas. At the same time, Gurudas is a Prema Siddha Vaishnav of the highest calibre, just like his Guru Mounibaba. It’s very difficult to find such persons in the current era, with a culmination of Yoga and Bhakti. The kirtans during the time of Mounibaba are remarkable, where devotees used to get sink in prema of Mahaprabhu. Gurudas once was in a 13 hours Bhava Samadhi during one such kirtan in Ranibari during the time of Mounibaba. People were finding very tough to control his body, where all the eight symptoms of devotion were manifesting abruptly.
Mounibaba once told that his guru Anandamoy Brahmachari was indeed “Advaita Prabhu” of Goura Lila and his devotees Sri Kushi Ranjan and Sri Gurudas are incarnation of Nityananda Prabhu. On being asked about his own identity, he changed the topic of discussion playfully.
Present Day
Gurudas now aged 90 years spend his day devotionally staying in his own house at Silchar, Assam. His day starts at the Brahma Muhurta in the early morning, with his sadhana – Naam Jap, Bandha Tray, Manas Puja, Omkar, etc. followed by the daily recitation of Gita and other shastras. He does sadhana very strictly even today in the early morning as well as in the evening, no matter his aged body allows him or not. He doesn’t accept any grain if it is not a prasad, hence he always gives ahuti (oblations as fire sacrifice) and then accept anything as prasad. In the evening, he also does kirtan. Apart from being a guru, he is a great inspiration to us and leading our way to the final goal. Whatever being told about him is less only. He keeps on guiding us over call. Whoever visits him, he guides him with all his ability. At this old age, he even attempts to write something. Amazingly, he wrote “Ek Jhalake Mounibaba” book at the age of 89 years. He also guides us in organising various festivals on important occasions like appearance day of Mounibaba, Makari Saptami, etc. He also conducts Brahma Yajna on various occasions. In short, he is a blessing to the present world.
